A collection of urban long exposures taken with a 4x5' large format camera on black and white film. Shooting large format at night is the ultimate challenge for me, but it is also the most rewarding. The slow setup process associated with the very nature of the view camera, the painstaking framing and composing, so much more difficult in the dark, the process of figuring out the correct exposure time, the several minutes long exposures - all that combined makes for a unique, meditative experience. I hope you enjoy the results.
Katowice, Poland. The Intrepid Camera, Fujinon SW 90mm f/8, Ilford HP5+.
Berlin, Germany. The Intrepid Camera, Fujinon W 210mm, Bergger Pancro 400.
Katowice, Poland. The Intrepid Camera, Fujinon W 210mm, Foma Retropan 320 Soft.
Wrocław, Poland. The Intrepid Camera, Fujinon SW 90mm, Foma Retropan 320 Soft.
Wrocław, Poland. The Intrepid Camera, Fujinon SW 90mm, Foma Retropan 320 Soft.
Wrocław, Poland. The Intrepid Camera, Fujinon SW 90mm, Foma Retropan 320 Soft.
Prague, Czech Republic. The Intrepid Camera, Fujinon SW 90mm f/8, Ilford HP5+.
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